Studio Apartment

Unreal Engine 4 | 3D Space Showcase

Project Description

A studio apartment 3D space built and designed in Unreal Engine 4. This project showcases the some of the 3D graphical features available in Unreal Engine 4 and aims to integrate these onto a studio apartment. These features include the custom-made materials using Unreal Engine's blueprints and ligthing probes and effects.

This 3D space showcase is an academic project developed for the GDENG-1 (Game Engines 1) course. I partnered with another student to design and build this 3D space.


  • Paul Bradley Ong
  • Vincent Eugene Tan

Roles & Contributions

My role in this project is a level space designer. As a level space designer, I was in charge with placing necessary objects in different areas of the room. I also worked on the different custom-made material blueprints that were required for the project submission.

Project Contributions:

  • Custom-made Material Blueprints
  • Designed the Bedroom, Living Area, Working Area, and Storage Room
  • Lighting Effects and Reflective Matrials

Project Links