Unity | Horror | Topdown | Maze | PC | GGJ 2023 Judges' Choice
I'm Okay is a 2D topdown horror maze game where a girl wakes up and realizes she's trapped in a dilapidated maze filled with obstacles and thorny vines. She must escape while being tormented by a horrifying creature and a malignant entity.
This game is developed and released for Global Game Jam 2023 event co-hosted at Ubisoft Philippines @Chill Space DLSU - Laguna Campus and the announced theme for that year was "roots". I grouped with 5 other jammers and we formed a group called Boys/Flowers to develop this game.
My role in this project is a game programmer. As a game programmer, I was assigned with a bunch of features to implement for the game. Since this is a game jam, I had to implement the features efficiently while considering the time limit of only 48 hours. I also checked my other game programmers' work to bug test each others features and for game balancing.