Unity | Management | PC
A resource management game where the player needs to make decisions on different events in game to help Kai, Suzu, and Ryou, who are stuck in their apartment, survive through 7 days through management of resources.
This game is an academic project developed for the GDFUNDA (Game Development Fundamentals) course. This project is also developed for an event co-hosted by a school organization called INDIE, where they gathered participants to a 2-week long Game Jam (part 2) with the theme of "home". I grouped with 3 other students and we formed a group called Gaki to develop this game.
My role in this project is a lead programmer. As a lead programmer, I was in charge of overseeing the game development progress of each member that contributes to the overall game. Since this is a game jam, I had to implement the features efficiently while considering the time limit of only 2 weeks or less due to schedule differences. As such, the usage of GitHub as a form of source control was helpful for me to delegate tasks to my teammates.